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Balance Transfer Savings Calculation Terms & Conditions

How we calculate your credit card balance transfer savings

The calculations provided are estimates based on your current credit card balances as of your most recent credit report and are intended for illustrative purposes only. These calculations assume a 20% Annual Percentage Rate (APR) on your current balance, that you will pay off the balance within the introductory APR period on the balance transfer card and that you will pay off the debt with equal monthly payments over that period. Actual savings and costs may vary depending on your credit card issuer's terms, payment history, interest rate compounding methods, and other factors.

The promotional APR and balance transfer fee for each offer are subject to approval and may vary depending on your creditworthiness. Rounding or adjustments for the final payment may not fully reflect your actual payment schedule. We encourage you to conduct your own research and consult with a financial advisor to verify the accuracy of these calculations and determine whether a balance transfer is suitable for your personal financial situation. We are not responsible for any discrepancies, errors or financial decisions made based on these estimates.