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Credit Score & Report for Free

Get free credit score and Report from Equifax with monthly updates on why it's going up or down, also get customized tips on how to improve your credit score every month.

Start Monitoring Your Credit
A group of people are standing around a laptop screen showing a credit report with a credit score of 738.

How Borrowell Can Help

Sign up with Borrowell in just under three minutes

Monitor & Track

Sign up for free in just 3 minutes with no commitment or impact on your credit score. Track your success, flag errors and spot fraudulent activity.

Credit Improvement Education

Understand & Improve

Canada's first AI-powered Credit Coach, Molly, will share personalized tips, articles, and tools that may help improve your credit.

Mobile showing different financial product recommendation based on your Credit Report

Find the Right Product

Get automatically matched with financial products from over 75+ partners that fit your credit profile. See your likelihood of approval and apply in just a few clicks.

Top 5 Reasons Canadians Love Borrowell

We believe you need to know your score to improve it and we are proud to offer free credit score monitoring and much more.

  • Canadian credit education company

    #1 Canadian credit education company

  • Free Credit Score Tracking

    Unlimited free credit monitoring

  • Thumbs up icon depicting no hard hit with Borrowell

    Checking your score won't hurt it!

  • Borrowell has bank level security

    Bank level security with 256-bit encryption

  • 18 point improvement average after sign up

    On average, Borrowell's most active members achieve a score improvement of 18 points.

Credit Scores 101

what is a credit score

What Is A Credit Score And Why Does It Matter?

If you’re wondering, “What is a credit score, anyway?” – don’t worry! We’ve got you covered.

The Borrowell Team

Jun 17, 2024

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8 Tips to Improve Your Credit Score

Here are eight tangible steps you can take to improve your credit score. Your credit score directly impacts your ability to get approved for financing, including credit cards, loans, and mortgages.

The Borrowell Team

Feb 04, 2021

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How Do I Read My Credit Report?

Your credit report paints a picture of how financially responsible you are. You should regularly review your credit report, as lenders look at your report before approving you for credit products. Reading your credit report can be overwhelming and confusing, but it doesn’t have to be! Here’s a clear breakdown of how to read your credit report, including what information is in it, what this information means, and how long this information stays on your report for.

Evan Miersch

Jan 08, 2021

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